Polar Park

Shadley Associates was the lead landscape architect and a subconsultant to DAIQ Architects, lead architect of Polar Park, the new10,000-seat baseball stadium in Worcester, MA.  Polar Park is home to the Worcester Red Sox, a Triple-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox.  Along with a large team of consultants, Shadley Associates created a site plan that integrates the baseball park with the surrounding historic community and with future development. The project is the anchor of a larger redevelopment initiative in Worcester’s Canal District.

SA’s design focuses on creating flexible outdoor spaces that support Polar Park baseball games and community events as well as a diverse program of activities that make the Park a year-round attraction. These include an attractive entry plaza, an engaging play area, vibrant spaces along park edges and universal accessibility throughout.

SA’s overall scope included pavements and curbing, landscaped areas, a new playground, site fencing and gateways, site furnishings, collaboration on ballpark sculptures, site lights and on grading and site circulation. The ballpark opened in spring, 2021.

Photographs by William Horne of Horne Visual Media (©William Horne)