Great River Park in East Hartford, Connecticut is an important link in the park system developed and managed by Riverfront Recapture on both sides of the Connecticut River. Located entirely within the 100 year floodplain and within several critical federal, state and local regulated areas, Great River Park runs .75 miles along the river and connects with bridges across the Connecticut River on both the north and the south.
Great River Park includes a new 350 seat amphitheater nestled into the earthen flood embankment; its excavation compensated for the fill required for a new riverfront access road. The multi-million dollar project included new roads, parking, boat ramp and ADA-compliant floats, multi-use trails, signage, lighting, planting, site furnishings and emergency call boxes. Requiring seven years to program, design, permit and construct, the project was led by Pam Shadley while a Principal with another firm. Great River Park has become a regional destination in the Hartford area and has won several awards: a 1997 Award from the Waterfront Center, a 1998 Merit Award from the Boston Society of Landscape Architects, and a Top Honor Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects in 2000.