1880’s Homestead

1880’s Homestead

For over twenty years this 800-acre farm has benefited from deliberate planning followed by careful actions.  The entire property is certified organic and approximately 250 acres are a CSA farm (Community Supported Agriculture). Projects have varied greatly in type...

Farm Retreat

Farm Retreat

This 400-acre project enhanced the property’s function as a rural farm and accommodated the needs of a young family. As Prime Consultant since 2004, Shadley Associates first created the site master plan and since then has provided full landscape architecture services...

Presidio Garden

Presidio Garden

This private garden residence overlooks San Francisco’s historic Presidio National Park and has commanding views of Baker Beach and the Pacific Ocean beyond.  The 1/8 acre property derives its energy from engaging the borrowed landscape of the Presidio.  The pure...

Nantucket Compound

Nantucket Compound

The design for this multi-generational family retreat draws upon the quintessential elements of Nantucket garden architecture. Clipped privet hedges, detailed brick and seashell pavements, arbors and trelliage, flower boxes and flourishes of hydrangeas, roses, and...

Riverfront Estate

Riverfront Estate

This historic 40-acre estate near downtown Louisville is sited on a magnificent bluff overlooking the Ohio River. JP Shadley's work at the property has included the complete redevelopment of several acres of formal gardens which include a new entry garden, dining and...

Garden Labyrinth

Garden Labyrinth

This new garden is emerging as a serene and reflective room within a much greater landscape. The labyrinth is 50' across, and the space is hidden, except when viewed from the purposeful axis that leads to it.  The pavilion behind the labyrinth is about to undergo an...

Private Residence

Private Residence

This terrific new home and cutting edge site project have been designed with Ike Kligerman Barkley Architects and Hyphae Design Laboratory.  The waterfront landscape includes extensive stone work, fountains and gardens.