Lincoln Commons

Lincoln Commons is a 4.3 acre public park located on the site of the former Lincoln Elementary School in Malden, Massachusetts. A project that genuinely transformed an entire urban neighborhood, the park functions as an informal and naturalistic New England Town Green. The design integrates a mix of activities such as softball, soccer, and a playground within several large passive spaces. There are also smaller garden spaces such as the Lincoln School Memorial Plaza, the Louise Stokes Cherry Walk and Sparrow Rose Garden, which provide a variety of experiences and commemorate community history.

The park incorporates extensive new plantings and quality materials. To accommodate the 14′ of grade change on the site, the design incorporates beautiful curving paths and rolling landforms to frame long views and choreograph movement through the site. Following a full public process with an active community, this once dangerous area is now an inviting, safe and well-used public open space. The project won a Design Merit Award from the Boston Society of Landscape Architects.