1880’s Homestead

For over twenty years this 800-acre farm has benefited from deliberate planning followed by careful actions.  The entire property is certified organic and approximately 250 acres are a CSA farm (Community Supported Agriculture). Projects have varied greatly in type and scale, with the largest landscape area showcasing the rolling farm and it’s bluegrass aesthetic.  Some of the significant projects on the property have included refurbishment of three barns and four outbuildings, new roads and realignments of existing roads, a new bridge, extensive earth shaping, large pond construction, and forestry maintenance and viewshed establishment.

Much detailed work has also been accomplished on approximately 50-acres around the 1880 main house. This area has been significantly enriched with garden elements for interest, refinement and comfort. Projects in this home domain include the creation of the 3-acre pond, a new swimming pool and gazebo, sitting and dining gardens near the house, a perennial garden and labyrinth, a chapel and a 90’ cedar arbor, and many stone walls and naturalistic rock outcroppings, including a 150′ wide by 50′ long natural stone garden and waterfall. There are also thousands of plantings, and an extensive art collection has been integrated into an overall landscape inspired by the Picturesque landscape movement.

The Farm has been published in several professional journals and has won planning and design awards from the Boston Society of Landscape Architects and the Kentucky Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects.  JP Shadley began working on the property in 1994 and his work continues today.