Shadley Associates worked with CambridgeSeven Architects on the feasibility study for renovations to the Worcester State University Student Center. The goals of the project were to evaluate programming, planning, and design opportunities to address shortcomings in the existing facility. These goals include enhancing building energy-efficiency and resiliency, expanding formal and spontaneous student programming areas, improving building and campus accessibility and connectivity, enhancing building safety, and increasing the efficiency and capacity of the Student Center for present and future needs. Additionally, the design aims to improve access to exterior program spaces like Common Ground, establish a University Intercultural Unity Center, centralize advising and counseling offices, enlarge and enhance student activities facilities, and enhance the building entrance to position the facility as the heart of the WSU Campus.

The design team prepared four alternatives which reconfigured building entrances and/or proposed additions to accommodate current and future needs. Shadley Associates provided landscape architectural services for this project which included the design of primary and secondary entry plazas to include seat walls, bicycle parking, benches, tables, and lighting. In addition, SA proposed improved pedestrian access to the Student Center, Lower Campus and the “Common Ground”, a highly visible open space neighboring the Student Center and residence halls, to meet ADA requirements while supplementing and protecting existing vegetation, including the Lancer Oak. Through the alternatives process, the leaders of WSU chose a preferred alternative in November of 2023.