Shadley Associates recently completed the Dr. Nettie Maria Stevens Science and Innovation Center at Westfield State University. Working with a large architectural team, SA developed a site plan that creates building entries and outdoor seating areas where these spaces can be enjoyed by students, faculty and visitors. The outdoor spaces use a theme of wood-capped concrete seatwalls that band with pavements and planting areas to create separate yet united places to gather. The new building’s glass wall protects these spaces from winter winds and also creates vibrant and unusual reflections on the new plaza. The new site improvements include a strong diagonal pedestrian walkway into the heart of the campus, create new accessible parking and walkways, and integrate a heavily-used service and delivery area for this new and important science facility at Westfield State University.
In addition, Shadley Associates worked with Westfield University planners, the architects, DCAMM and the MSCBA on a Landscape Master Plan for the main campus. SA analyzed the existing conditions and prepared alternatives for improvements to the main pedestrian routes, service and vehicular circulation areas, intramural sports fields, and alternatives for standard site furnishings and lighting. Shadley Associates developed the Landscape Master Plan, an Interim Plan that illustrated the next projects to be undertaken, and a Report that identified standard site furnishings, planting and lighting. The Landscape Master Plan was awarded a Planning Merit Award from the Boston Society of Landscape Architects.