Shadley Associates is working as a subconsultant to Howard Stein Hudson Engineers on the redesign of the intersection at Randolph Ave (Route 28) and Chickatawbut Road in Milton, MA. This intersection has been ranked the most dangerous in Massachusetts with 62 accidents reported between 2018 and 2022. The proposed design replaces the existing traffic light with a roundabout to slow traffic entering the intersection, thereby improving safety and helping to ease congestion. Shadley Associates is providing landscape architectural services including the planting and seeding of the roundabout, the edges and the approaches while maintaining sight lines for pedestrian and vehicular safety. In addition, a bioretention basin on the northeast side of the roundabout will help to filter and infiltrate stormwater. The team has submitted 75% bid documents to MassDOT and construction of this $7 million project is expected to begin later in 2024.