Shadley Associates is working as the landscape architect subconsultant to Prime Consultant HNTB on the Cape Cod Bridges Program project. Both the Sagamore Bridge and the Bourne Bridge will be replaced as they are critical to the economy of Cape Cod and the traveling public and, at almost 90 years old, they are functionally obsolete. MassDOT’s Cape Cod Bridges Program creates replacements for both bridges. Each crossing will have a separated shared-use path that connects with local and regional trails and bikeways.
Removal of the existing bridges and the construction of new bridges will greatly impact the surrounding landscape thus creating opportunities for landscape restoration and improvement and improved bicycle and pedestrian amenities. Shadley Associates is collaborating with the roadway, drainage and lighting designers, providing landscape architectural services assisting in the design of overlooks, waysides (stopping areas along the shared-use-paths) and gateways. In addition, Shadley Associates is providing planting and seeding design along new and restored roadways, within medians and ramps, along shared use paths, at gateway features and overlooks while maintaining sight lines for drivers and all users.
The project team is currently working with the large and diverse client group, including FHWA, MassDOT and the Army Corps of Engineers, to identify preferred alternatives for each bridge before moving into environmental permitting and advanced design development. The bridges are expected to be constructed one at a time, starting with proposals from Design/Build contractors in response to RFP’s issued in the fall of 2026 and 2027.